Julie Lindell
How to sit

how to sit sketch

Seen and not heard sketch




pink chair


Book list 6/11-10/11
- Magritte, David Sylvester
- Spiral Jetta, Erin Hogan
- Isa Genzken, Phaiden Press
- Rachel Harrison, "If I Did It," JRP Ringier
- Jessica Stockholder, Phaidon Press
- Harrell Fletcher, Domaine di Kergue'hennec
- Harrell Fletcher/ Michael Rakowitz, Between Artists
- Judith Barry Projections Mise en abyme, Presentation House Gallery
- Kurt Schwitters Dada, Collages, Drawings, Objects, Worthington gallery Inc.
- Man Ray The Rigour of Imagination, Arturo Schwarz
- Rachel Whiteread, Anthony d'Offray gallery, London
- Jessica Stockholder, Barry Schwabsky, Lynne Tillman, Lynne Cooke
- Tony Cragg, Germano Celent
- Relational Aesthetics, Nicholas Bourriand
- Martha Rosler The House, the Street, the Kitchen.
- Waiting for Godot in New Orleans a field guide, Paul Chan
- Paul Chan/Martha Rosler, Between Artists

First OCCUPY shirts
made the October 1st Opening of the remodeled Weiseman Art museum at the U. of M.

University of Minnesota reopening
Opening day


"Anais Nin"